Seattle Public Schools

Elementary Mathematics

4th Grade Math

4th Grade Math in SPS

In Seattle Public Schools, we believe all students have mathematical brilliance. Your child’s teacher seeks to cultivate that brilliance to develop your child into a mathematical thinker and problem solver.  Your child will see who sees the value of math in their life.

Your child will learn and develop mathematical ways of thinking through (mathematical practices). Some examples of math practices are using math to model authentic situations, persevering in solving problems, constructing and critiquing mathematical justifications, and representing mathematical ideas visually. Read more about the Standards for Mathematical Practices.

Effective math instruction begins by building a strong conceptual understanding of how numbers work (number sense).  This is the foundation that leads students towards procedural fluency (using flexible, efficient, and accurate strategies). Effective math instruction includes opportunities for students to apply their understanding and fluency to real-world mathematical problems.

In fourth grade math , students will build on their 3rd grade understanding of the base-10 number system, multiplication, and fractions to:

  • Understand and use properties of the four operations to solve single and multistep problems involving whole numbers
  • Demonstrate understanding of place value for multi-digit whole numbers
  • Multiply multi-digit numbers using place value understanding and properties of operations
  • Divide multi-digit numbers by single-digit numbers using place value understanding, properties of operations, and the inverse relationship between multiplication and division
  • Fluently add and subtract within 1,000,000
  • Understand fraction equivalence and use it to compare fractions
  • Build fractions from unit fractions (i.e., 1/3, 1/4, 1/8) using addition and multiplication
  • Multiply a fraction by a whole number
  • Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators of 10 or 100
  • Compare two decimals to the hundredths place
  • Solve problems involving measurement including conversion from a larger unit to a smaller unit
  • Understand the concept of angle and measure angles

When your child goes to 5th grade this knowledge will serve as the foundation for their continued growth in learning with fractions, decimals, volume, and sense-making when solving problems involving these concepts.

At home, utilize math games to make math fun (with dice and cards), notice math in the world (such as travel, distances, nature, and cooking), and ask questions to prompt deeper thinking (“Tell me more about how you solved this? Is there another way to solve this problem?”).

At home, you can support your child by:

  • Playing games that make math fun and engaging using materials such as dice and cards
  • Noticing math in the world, such as in nature and while cooking
  • Asking questions about their thinking such as, “ What were you thinking when you solved this?”

For more ideas about supporting your child at home see the SPS Supporting Your Student-Math webpage.

Learning Standards are for all of us: students, principals, community partners, teachers, families, and the public.  They provide an equitable benchmark of what is important for students to learn as they progress through school. Introduction to the Common Core Math Standards: Achieve the Core

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